In the AGRICORE project, 59 out of 71 deliverables have been classified as public to ensure the transferability of the information generated during the project.
D1.1 Standardised Methodology and Set of Ontologies for the Characterisation of Data Sources
D1.2 Details and agreements for accessing the selected data sources
D1.3 Characterisation of EU and other supranational statistics datasets
D1.4 Characterisation of Geo-referenced datasets
D1.5 Characterisation of national and regional data sources
D1.6 Characterisation of datasets from previous research projects
D1.7 Systematic approach for the Identification and filling of information gaps
D1.8 Use case participatory research actions
D1.9 Agricultural Research Data Index Tool (ARDIT)
D2.1 Data Warehouse (DWH) for agriculture policy impact assessment data management
D2.2. Big data extraction module
D2.4 Synthetic population generation module
D3.1 Non-linear dynamic model of the farm agents
D3.2 AI-based farmer’s behavioural foundation
D3.3 Model interactions capabilities for the ABM
D3.4 Biophysical models linking capabilities for the ABM
D3.5 Positive-normative configurations
D4.1 AGRICORE requirements and project management platform
D4.2 Continuous report on platform usability
D4.3 Validated design for the AGRICORE interface
D4.4 Library for AGRICORE data visualisation purposes
D4.5 Semantic services for AGRICORE
D4.7 Report on testing and validation activities of the AGRICORE interface
D5.1 State of the art review of agricultural policy assessment models, tools and indicators
D5.2 AGRICORE Land Market Module
D5.4. Environmental and climate impact assessment module
D5.5 Socio-economic (integration of agriculture in rural society) impact assessment module
D5.6 Delivery of Ecosystem services module
D5.7 Policy Environment module
D6.1 AGRICORE Architecture and Interfaces
D6.2 External Interface Module
D6.3 Biophysical model connection modules
D6.6 Software Quality Assurance measures for AGRICORE
D7.1 – Use Case planning and set of involved stakeholders
D7.2 – Report on use cases advances
D7.3 Updated description of the AGRICORE use cases
D7.4 – Results on participatory research activities
D7.5 Report on AGRICORE testing platform evaluation
D8.1 Report on IPR/Exploitation seminars
D8.2 Roadmap for the exploitation of project results
D8.3 Report on clustering activities
D8.4 Report on open-sourcing activities
D9.3 Final Data Management Plan
D9.4 AGRICORE corporate identity
D9.9- Handbook on Practical Recommendations
D10.7 Directives on gender equality and non-discrimination within AGRICORE