Agricore Project Video by AXIA

The AGRICORE project

The Aim

AGRICORE addresses the environmental and climatic impact assessment of policies by means of a dedicated module aimed to establish links between targeted policies and the corresponding impact KPIs on farmers’ practice.

The Project

The AGRICORE project proposes a novel tool for improving the current capacity to model policies dealing with agriculture by taking advantage of the latest progress in modelling approaches and ICT.


The Model

The main objective of the AGRICORE project is to develop a new generation of ABM tool taking advantage of the latest progress in computational science and ICT.

 "The AGRICORE tool will be made as a highly modular and customisable suite, and it will be released as an open-source project so institutions can transparently update and improve the tool as needs arise." 

 The AGRICORE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grand Agreement No 816078.

Specific Objectives

To develop a European data-sources index tool.

To minimise the time and user efforts currently required for the parameterisation and calibration of ABM models.

To develop an evolved agent-based model with improved capacity to model policies dealing with agriculture.

To produce a behavioural model of farmers mimicking their decision-making rationale.

To develop a flexible and integrated simulation suite.

To compile, analyse and show the produced information in an optimal way.

To provide social, economic and environmental impact assessments of agricultural policies at farm, sector and global levels.

To effectively integrate stakeholders’ knowledge and to cooperate with policymakers.

To build a basis for credibility of the policy modelling work.

To develop a highly modular and customisable tool to allow further improvements as needs arise.


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