One of the most important meetings so far within AGRICORE was the meeting among our partners from UNIPR and CREA, MIPAAF and AGEA. In this meeting, the lack of an institutional model for evaluating national and regional policies was highlighted as an opportunity for the stakeholders present. This lack could be covered by the AGRICORE tool. UNIPR prepared a presentation focusing on the innovative features of our model but also on understanding the main needs of policymakers when it comes to policy design and evaluation. Questions such as what tools are now used for the definition of impact assessment strategies or what indices or methodologies policymakers plan to use (or would you like to have available) to measure the environmental impact of Eco-schemes were asked to build a comprehension within the AGRICORE team. In a nutshell, the main conclusions obtained were that in a post-2020 CAP context, it is crucial to have models that can evaluate national policies. The meeting was considered highly fruitful since valuable feedback was collected by the UNIPR team, which will be incorporated in the next actions for completing the AGRICORE model, ensuring that the needs of policymakers are fulfilled. It was agreed that there is a need to continue the dialogue to deepen the individual topics analyzed and others that may emerge in the process of defining such a model.