This achievements report by the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) is presenting a general overview of results achieved by the EIP-AGRI network. It also highlights foreseeable challenges to be faced in the future and how all efforts need to be intensified to surpass them. Most importantly, it paints the greater picture of what are the motives for each of the multitude of actors involved in EIP-AGRI and how that involvement has taken shape in all these years.

Over the past 7 years EIP-AGRI has aimed to achieve increased sustainability, productiveness, and modernization in the field of European agriculture and forestry, actively supporting innovation at all levels. Now all this will serve as a solid base for the reformed Common Agricultural Policy to build on. In this inspiring report, these achievements are summarized and all the work since the beginning of this initiative is put into perspective.


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