WP1: Data sources and participatory research (M1-31)
Leader: UNIPR
Objective: The overall goal of this work package is to characterise, analyse and investigate the different data sources available at different spatial scales that can provide useful information for agricultural policies impact assessment.
Task 1.1: Data sources characterisation methodology (Task leader: UNIPR): Development of a standardised methodology, including the set of required ontologies, for the characterisation of data sources that are useful for conducting policy impact assessment in the field of agriculture.
Task 1.2: Data sources access retrieval (Task leader: UNIPR): Ensure proper access for the development of the AGRICORE project to the selected data sources.
Task 1.3: EU statistics datasets (Task leader: UNIPR): Produce a characterisation of the EU-wide statistics datasets most useful for the purpose of assessing the impact of agricultural policies.
Task 1.4: Geo-referenced datasets (Task leader: STAM): Covers the analysis of the geo-referenced datasets available in EU at a global and local level that can provide useful information for the impact assessment of agricultural policies.
Task 1.5: National and regional datasets (Task leader: UNIPR): Investigate the available national and regional micro-level policy analysis at the farm level sources and to characterise them.
Task 1.6: Previous research results as information sources (Task leader: UNIPR): The goal of this task is to ensure proper exploitation of previous research efforts in the agricultural policy impact assessment field.
Task 1.7: Use of stakeholders’ knowledge: Participatory research (Task leader: CAAND): Developing a systematic approach for using the stakeholders’ knowledge for filling the existing gaps in the available information through participatory research actions and identifying and designing the specific gaps and participatory research actions related to the four proposed use cases accordingly to the defined approach.
Task 1.8: European data sources index module (Task leader: FA): Designing, implementing and setting up of a European data source index for the support
of agricultural policy assessment.
Deliverables 1.1-1.9
WP2: Synthetic population generator (M1-40)
Leader: AUTH
Objective: The goal of this work package is to develop the different systems and modules that enable the proposed workflow for generating realistic synthetic populations mimicking the distribution and characteristics of the real farmers’ population of interest.
Task 2.1: Data warehouse design and implementation (Task leader: FA): Designing and implementing a data warehouse suitable for supporting the analyses contemplated within the AGRICORE project and, in general, in agricultural policy impact assessment processes, based on the specific requirements retrieved from technical developers and stakeholders.
Task 2.2: Big data extraction module (Task leader: AUTH): Developing a module for extracting the data of interest from the identified data sources by following a multi-strategy approach, which is required due to the very disparate characteristics of such sources.
Task 2.3: Big data fusion module (Task leader: AUTH): Identification of data fusion techniques for the specific scope considered in the project as well as the implementation of a module that provides such data fusion functionality while making use of the available analytic capabilities of the DWH.
Task 2.4: Synthetic population generation module (Task leader: IDE): Developing a module that allows for generating realistic synthetic populations that match the distributions of the agents’ populations of interest taking account of the joint probability distributions provided by the big data fusion module (T2.3).
Deliverables 2.1-2.4
WP3: Agent-based model (M1-34)
Leader: IDE
Objective: The overall objective of this work package is the implementation of the proposed AGRICORE agent-based model.
Task 3.1: Non-linear dynamic model of the farm agents (Task leader: IDE): Development of the model corresponding to an AGRICORE farm agent which describes the effects that the farmers’ framework and their decisions have on their production outcomes.
Task 3.2: AI-based farmer’s behavioural foundation (Task leader: IDE): Development of a mathematical programming problem to mimic the actions taken by farmers to act towards the maximisation of their profits while taking some risks.
Task 3.3: Model interactions (Task leader: IDE): Establishing the interconnecting variables for the non-linear dynamic model that account for the interconnection with agricultural structures: other agents, land and markets.
Task 3.4: Solver call (Task leader: IDE): Implementation of the calls that will be made to the connected solvers for obtaining a solution for the mathematical optimisation problem defined in the farmers’ models.
Task 3.5: Links with biophysical models (Task leader: IDE): Linking the potential information provided by external biophysical models into the farm agents.
Task 3.6: Positive-normative configurations (Task leader: IDE): Mathematically defining and developing the ABM configurations needed to shift from positive to normative purposes.
Deliverables 3.1-3.5
WP4: Usability design and big data visualisation (M1-39)
Leader: AAT
Objective: The overall goal of this work package is to analyse the needs and to develop the corresponding elements to provide a usable interface that allows users without a strong computational scientific background to build cases studies and obtain meaningful outcomes.
Task 4.1: Requirements analysis and fulfilment monitoring (Task leader: FA): Analysing the requirements for the platform and the needs of the end-users and continuous monitoring of the technical developments from the point of view of the usability will be done.
Task 4.2: Design and mock-up development (Task leader: FA): Producing a tentative design of the AGRICORE interface and a mock-up for the foreseen design, so it can be improved and validated by the end-users of the platform.
Task 4.3: Advanced visualisation tools (Task leader: FA): Compiling a set of tools for the visualisation of the information generated in the policy assessment case studies done with the AGRICORE platform that maximise the analytic capabilities of the platform users.
Task 4.4: Semantic services (Task leader: STAM): Development of the semantic services to be used in the platform to provide natural language analysis capabilities to the AGRICORE interface, allowing interacting with it in intuitive ways.
Task 4.5: Development of the AGRICORE interface (Task leader: FA): Implementing the AGRICORE interface as a cross-platform desktop application using web technologies.
Task 4.6: Testing and experts’ validation (Task leader: FA): Designing, arranging and executing different testing and validation activities for the developments of this work package in parallel with the monitoring activities contemplated in T4.1.
Deliverables 4.1-4.7
WP5: Policy impact assessment (M1-36)
Leader: IA PAS
Objective: The goal of this work package is to develop modules for modelling the agricultural structures surrounding the farmers (markets and land) and their context (environmental and climatic impacts, socio-economic impacts (rural integration), delivery of ecosystem services and policy environment).
Task 5.1: Policy assessment state of the art (Task leader: UNIPR): Performing a thorough analysis of the scientific bibliography and the state of the art on the topics related to the five modules proposed in this work package.
Task 5.2: Land Module (Task leader: AKD): Developing a module for properly considering the interaction of the agents regarding the use and transfer of land.
Task 5.3: Market Module (Task leader: AKD): Development of a module that enables the modelling of market interlinkages and that, accordingly, allows for simulating the corresponding model interactions between the agents and the different markets.
Task 5.4: Environmental and climate impact assessment module (Task leader: IAPAS): Development of an impact assessment module (IAM) for the purpose of evaluating the impacts of the agriculture on the environment and the climate and the impact of the climate change on how much food can be produced and where.
Task 5.5: Socio-economic (Task leader: UNIPR): Implementation of a dedicated module for enabling the assessment of the socio-economic aspects of the integration of agriculture in rural society.
Task 5.6: Delivery of Ecosystem services module (Task leader: IAPAS): Development of a dedicated module for modelling and providing ecosystem services KPIs.
Task 5.7: Policy environment module (Task leader: AUTH): Development of a module which will translate the policy schemes of interest into the AGRICORE simulation environment.
Deliverables 5.1-5.7
WP6: AGRICORE suite (M4-42)
Leader: IDE
Objective: The goal of this work package is to ensure the proper implementation of the AGRICORE tool.
Task 6.1: Architecture and interface definition (Task leader: IDE): Improving the already drafted IT architecture for the AGRICORE tool and producing a clear specification for each one of the modules composing it, as well as for the interfaces defining the communication and the data exchange between them.
Task 6.2: External interface module (Task leader: IDE): Implementing a module that will serve as a central point to link the agent-based simulation module with the set of external modules connected to the AGRICORE tool.
Task 6.3: Biophysical model connection modules (Task leader: IAPAS): Establish the connection between the AGRICORE tool and the BioMa platform through the development of a dedicated model interaction module that enables the use of the extensive library of biophysical models contained in BioMa.
Task 6.4: Agent-based simulation module (Task leader: IDE): Design and implementation of an object-oriented simulation module that allows the simulation of the evolution of the ABM population according to the dynamics implemented in the agents (WP3).
Task 6.5: Integration of all AGRICORE modules (Task leader: IDE): Perform the integration of all the elements composing the AGRICORE tool, developed across the execution of the previous (and this) work packages.
Task 6.6: Integration monitoring and software quality assurance (Task leader: FA): Guiding the development of all the individual developments so their integration is done in the most straightforward way.
Deliverables 6.1-6.6
WP7: Use case demonstrations (M7-48)
Leader: CAAND
Objective: The overall objective of this work package is the design, preparation, execution and analysis of three use cases as a means for testing and validating the developed technologies in real applications.
Task 7.1: Use case planning definition, monitoring and agent involvement (Task leader: CAAND): Producing a detailed planning and schedule for the execution of the different use cases considered in the AGRICORE project and continuous monitoring of the different stages related to the proposed use cases to ensure their proper execution.
Task 7.2: Policy impact assessment scope (Task leader: AUTH): Further definition of the scope of the different policy impact assessments to be done in each one of the use cases.
Task 7.3: Execution of participatory research (Task leader: CAAND): Preparing and performing the participatory research activities required for the implementation of each one of the use cases.
Task 7.4: AGRICORE testing platform evaluation (Task leader: IDE): Represents the starting point of the demonstration actions of the project, as it will commission the AGRICORE platform as a whole.
Task 7.5: Building of use cases (Task leader: CAAND): Performing the envisaged use cases in collaboration with the involved researchers.
Task 7.6: Ex-ante and ex-post impact assessment (Task leader: IAPAS): Performing the ex-ante and the ex-post impact assessment contemplated of the use cases.
Deliverables 7.1-7.7
WP8: Exploitation, clustering and open sourcing (M1-48)
Leader: AXIA
Objective: This work package includes the project tasks dedicated to the exploitation of the project results.
Task 8.1: IPR management (Task leader: AXIA): Managing the IPR inside the consortium during and after the project period.
Task 8.2: Roadmap towards exploitation of project results (Task leader: AXIA): Implementing a systematic exploitation audit for characterizing AGRICORE exploitable results, based on market and regulatory analysis.
Task 8.3: Clustering activities (Task leader: AUTH): Establishing links with the other projects funded under the same topic aiming to coordinate the efforts and to avoid duplication of work, maximising thus the potential benefits for the stakeholders and contacting other existing initiatives and entities to find synergies that can enrich the initial planning.
Task 8.4: Open sourcing (Task leader: FA): Coordinating the execution of the software development part of the project so as to release all the implementations as open-source projects.
Task 8.5: Coordination with policy makers (Task leader: UNIPR): Coordinating with policy makers across Europe at regional, national and EU-wide level in addition to the activities covered in the clustering actions defined in T8.3.
Task 8.6: Transferability analysis of project results (Task leader: UNIPR): Researching how the different developments of the AGRICORE project could be used to support policy makers, but also policy supervisors and control entities in areas different than policy making.
Task 8.7: Conclusions towards better-supported policy making (Task leader: UNIPR): Summarising the findings of this project and sharing such findings with the potentially interested parties aiming for a better definition of the policies that control the collection of data in the agricultural sector.
Deliverables 8.1-8.7
WP9: Communication and dissemination (M1-48)
Leader: AXIA
Objective: Raising interest in the AGRICORE concept amongst potential stakeholders in Europe and beyond, ensuring a broad dissemination of the project results and to improve the transfer of technical, and scientific knowledge outside the core consortium, thereby facilitating the exploitation of the products and services generated, giving visibility to AGRICORE objectives, activities and benefits and raising awareness on AGRICORE aims, progress and results through printed (brochures, booklets, etc.) and electronic sources (website, electronic newsletter).
Task 9.1: Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (Task leader: AXIA): Preparing a first draft for the Exploitation and Dissemination of results by month 6 as a strategic project guideline.
Task 9.2: Data Management Plan (DMP) and data privacy (Task leader: FA): Preparing a Data Management Plan (DMP) by month 6 in order to describe the data management lifecycle for all datasets and simulation results that will be collected, processed or generated by the project.
Task 9.3: Communication Activities (Task leader: AXIA): Communication kit, project website, social media, press and web articles...
Task 9.4: Dissemination Activities (Task leader: AXIA): AGRICORE corporate identity, international/local fairs and conferences, Handbook on Practical Recommendations...
Deliverables 9.1-9.9
WP10: Project Management (M1-48)
Leader: IDE
Objective: Managing AGRICORE consortium in a successful and cost-efficient way, stimulating synergies between consortium partners and stakeholders, conducting a risk assessment in order to properly ensure effectiveness and excellence in the envisaged work programme execution, ensure that project objectives are met within the foreseen budget and time and establishing an appropriate liaison with the EC for financial administration and reporting.
Task 10.1: Definition of operating procedures (Task leader: IDE): Preparing a project management handbook with consortium operating procedures following the requirements of the Grant Agreement.
Task 10.2: Project coordination (Task leader: IDE): Monitoring and steering of project implementation, formulating responsibilities and developing effective flows of communication, coordination of work.
Task 10.3: Progress monitoring and risk management (Task leader: IDE): Monitoring whether the progress towards the overall objectives of the project is in line with the defined timescale.
Task 10.4: Financial and administrative management (Task leader: IDE): Managing all financial and administrative activities in the project, including monitoring and maintaining the overall adherence to the financial budgets.
Task 10.5: Organisation and participation of project meetings (Task leader: IDE): Organising several meetings: Kick-off Meeting to build a consistent work team for the project execution, video/telco-meetings to discuss project progress every 4 weeks with the Project Management Team and the work package leader, monthly reviews of the project by telecommunications and video conferencing with work package leaders and physical progress meetings will take place twice a year.
Task 10.6: Preparation of reports (Task leader: IDE): Collecting information from the work package leaders to create a report in preparation of each Project Management Team meeting, compiling the reports according to the requirements of the Commission and checking the financial and administrative information provided by the project partners and will be responsible for the timely submission of the reports to the European Commission.
Task 10.7: Internal and External Communication (Task leader: IDE): Keeping all partners fully informed about project status and all other relevant issues.
Task 10.8: Communication with the EC (Task leader: IDE): Producing verbal and written communication with the European Commission on behalf of the consortium.
Task 10.9: Gender dimension (Task leader: AXIA): Avoiding any potential gender biases within the project in general, and while developing the smart IT platform services in particular.
Task 10.10: EAB coordination (Task leader: IDE): Coordinating the operation of the Expert Advisory Board proposed in the project.
Deliverables 10.1-10.7
WP11: Ethics requirements (M1-48)
Leader: IDE
Objective: This work package sets out the 'ethics requirements' that the project must comply with.
Deliverables 11.1-11.3